Hot Movie Takes: Vertigo

Logan Rickert
Nov 19, 2020

This post may container spoilers for the movie. It’s my hot take while watching or directly after watching the movie. Don’t expect too much from this post.

Vertigo can be summed up in 3 sentences: Man follows women around in a car for an hour. Women jumps off building and dies. The same women jumps off the same building and dies a second time.

In my opinion, this movie was not good. I thought this movie started off pretty boring. Then I just felt confused as to what in the world was going on for the next hour of the film. Then Madeleine jumps off a building and as a result apparently Scottie starts taking acid. Then we find out (the really dumb) twist but, in my opinion way too early at 2/3 of the way in, and then it’s an hour of Scottie being super creepy towards Judy as we wait for either Judy or Scottie to crack.

Midge is angle C in this love triangle.

And then I think there was supposed to be like a love triangle thing going on with Midge but she basically played no role in the plot and Scottie brushed her off hardcore.

I’m gonna have to drop a solid 3.0 stairwells out of 10 on this movie.

